
第壹部分: 選擇題( 占72分)
一 、 詞 彙 ( 占 15分)


Mr. Lin is a very ________ writer; he publishes at least five novels every year.

  (A) moderate (B) temporary (C) productive

(D) reluctant


林先生是一位非常 _____ 的作者;他每年至少出版5本小說。

  (A) 溫和的 (B) 暫時的 (C) 多產的 (D) 不情願的 答:C
  Mr. Lin is a very productive writer; he publishes at least five novels every year.
  主詞 動詞 主詞捕語 主詞 動詞 受詞

2. Using a heating pad or taking warm baths can sometimes help to _____ pain in the lower back.
  (A) polish (B) relieve (C) switch

(D) maintain


使用一個熱墊或洗熱水澡有時候可以幫助 _____ 腰部的疼痛。

  (A) 擦亮 (B) 舒緩 (C) 轉換 (D) 維持 答:B
  Using a heating pad or taking warm baths can sometimes help to relieve pain in the
  動名詞片語 對等連接詞 動名詞片語     動詞 不定詞片語
  lower back.

3. Peter stayed up late last night, so he drank a lot of coffee this morning to keep himself _____ in class.
  (A) acceptable (B) amazed (C) accurate (D) awake


Peter昨夜睡的晚,所以今天早上他喝了許多的咖啡以使自己在課堂上保持_____ 。

  (A) 可接受的 (B) 驚訝的 (C) 準確的 (D) 清醒的 答:D
  Peter stayed up late last night, so he drank a lot of coffee this morning to keep himself
  主詞 動詞 主詞 動詞 受詞 不定詞片語
  對等子句 對等連接詞   對等子句      
  awake in class.


Due to _______, prices for daily necessities have gone up and we have to pay more for the same items now.

  (A) inflation (B) solution (C) objection (D) condition


由於 ______,日常用品的價格已經上漲,同樣的商品我們現在必須要付更多的錢。

  (A) 通貨膨脹 (B) 解決 (C)反對 (D) 條件 答:A
  Due to inflation, prices for daily necessities have gone up and we have to pay more for
  介係詞片語 主詞 現在完成式   主詞 動詞  
    對等子句 對等連接詞 對等子句
  the same items now.


The government is doing its best to ____ the cultures of the tribal people for fear that they may soon die out.

  (A) preserve (B) frustrate (C) hesitate

(D) overthrow


政府正全力 _____ 部落文化,為了怕它們會很快地消失。

  (A) 保存 (B) 挫折 (C) 猶豫 (D) 推翻 答:A
  The government is doing its best to preserve the cultures of the tribal people for fear
    主詞 現在進行式 受詞 不定詞片語  
  that they may soon die out.
關係代名詞   主詞 動詞    


I could not ______ the sweet smell from the bakery, so I walked in and bought a fresh loaf of bread.

  (A) insist (B) resist (C) obtain (D) contain


我不能 ______ 來自麵包店的香味,所以我走進去買了一條剛出爐的麵包。

  (A) 堅持 (B) 抗拒 (C) 獲得 (D) 包括 答:B
  I could not resist the sweet smell from the bakery, so I walked in and bought a fresh
  主詞 動詞 受詞 主詞 動詞   動詞    
  loaf of bread.

7. Steve has several meetings to attend every day; therefore, he has to work on a very _____ schedule.
  (A) dense (B) various (C) tight (D) current



  (A) 密集的 (B) 多樣的 (C) 緊湊的 (D) 目前的 答:C
  Steve has several meetings to attend every day; therefore, he has to work on a very
  主詞 動詞 受詞 連接性副詞 主詞 動詞
  tight schedule.


Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, broke seven world records and won eight gold medals in men’s swimming _____ in the 2008 Olympics.

  (A) drills (B) techniques (C) routines (D) contests


一位美國的游泳選手Michael Phelps打破了7項世界記錄,在2008奧林匹克男子游泳_____ 贏得了八面金牌。

  (A) 演習 (B) 技術 (C) 例行 (D) 比賽 答:D
  Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, broke seven world records and won eight gold
  主詞 同位語(文法書p.382) 動詞 受詞 對等連接詞 動詞
  medals in men’s swimming contests in the 2008 Olympics.
  受詞 介係詞片語   介係詞片語  


Those college students work at the orphanage on a _____ basis, helping the children with their studies without receiving any pay.

  (A) voluntary (B) competitive (C) sorrowful (D) realistic


那些以 _____ 方式在孤兒院中工作的大學生,沒有收取任何的酬勞在幫助兒童讀書。

  (A) 自願的 (B) 競爭的 (C) 傷心的 (D) 實際的 答:A
  Those college students work at the orphanage on a voluntary basis, helping the
  主詞 動詞       分詞片語
  children with their studies without receiving any pay.
    介係詞片語 介係詞片語  


Studies show that asking children to do house _____, such as taking out the trash or doing the dishes, helps them grow into responsible adults.

  (A) missions (B) chores (C) approaches (D) incidents

  (A) 任務 (B) 雜事 (C) 接近 (D) 事件 答:B
  Studies show that asking children to do house chores, such as taking out the trash or
  主詞 動詞 關係代名詞 主詞    
  doing the dishes, helps them grow into responsible adults.
    動詞 受詞 不定詞片語        


John has been scolded by his boss for over ten minutes now. _____, she is not happy about his being late again.

  (A) Expressively (B) Apparently (C) Immediately (D) Originally



  (A) 富於表情地 (B) 顯然地 (C) 立刻地 (D) 最初的 答:B
  John has been scolded by his boss for over ten minutes now. Apparently, she is not
  主詞 現在完成被動式 副詞 主詞 動詞  
  happy about his being late again.


Since the orange trees suffered _____ damage from a storm in the summer, the farmers are expecting a sharp decline in harvests this winter.

  (A) potential (B) relative (C) severe (D) mutual


由於橘子樹在夏天遭受到一個颱風 ___ 損害,農夫都預期這個冬天的收成將大幅下降。

  (A) 潛在的 (B) 相對的 (C) 嚴重的 (D) 共同的 答:C
  Since the orange trees suffered severe damage from a storm in the summer, the
  從屬連接詞 主詞 動詞 受詞    
  farmers are expecting a sharp decline in harvests this winter.
  主詞 現在完成式   受詞        


Typhoon Morakot claimed more than six hundred lives in early August of 2009, making it the most serious natural _____ in Taiwan in recent decades.

  (A) disaster (B) barrier (C) anxiety (D) collapse


Morakot颱風在2009年8月初造成超過600人的生命損失,使得它成為台灣近幾十年來最嚴重的天然 _____。

  (A) 災害 (B) 障礙 (C) 焦慮 (D) 崩潰 答:A
  Typhoon Morakot claimed more than six hundred lives in early August of 2009,
  主詞 動詞   受詞    
  making it the most serious natural disaster in Taiwan in recent decades.
  分詞片語       介係詞片語 介係詞片語    


Robert was the only _____ to the car accident. The police had to count on him to find out exactly how the accident happened.

  (A) dealer (B) guide (C) witness (D) client



  (A) 交易員 (B) 導引員 (C) 目擊者 (D) 顧客 答:C
  Robert was the only witness to the car accident. The police had to count on him to find
  主詞 動詞 主詞補語 主詞 動詞  
  out exactly how the accident happened.


Badly injured in the car accident, Jason could _____ move his legs and was sent to the hospital right away.

  (A) accordingly (B) undoubtedly (C) handily (D) scarcely


在車禍中嚴重受傷,Jason _____移動他的雙腳,他立刻被送往醫院。

  (A) 根據地 (B) 無疑問地 (C) 輕易的 (D) (困難的)幾乎不能 答:D
  Badly injured in the car accident, Jason could scarcely move his legs and was sent to
  分詞片語 主詞 動詞 對等連接詞 過去被動式  
  the hospital right away.

二、綜合測驗( 占15分)

         Anita was shopping with her mother and enjoying it. Interestingly, both of them   16   buying the same pair of jeans.
According to a recent marketing study, young adults influence 88% of household clothing purchases. More often than not, those in their early twenties are the more   17   consumers. There isn’t a brand or a trend that these young people are not aware of. That is why mothers who want to keep abreast of trends usually   18   the experts-their daughters. This tells the retailers of the world that if you want to get into a mother’s    19  , you’ve got to win her daughter over first.
With a DJ playing various kinds of music rather than just rap, and a mix of clothing labels designed more for taste and fashion than for a precise age, department stores have managed to appeal to successful middle-aged women   20   losing their younger customers. They have created a shopping environment where the needs of both mother and daughter are satisfied.

16. (A) gave up (B) ended up (C) took to (D) used to
17. (A) informed (B) informative (C) informal (D) informational
18. (A) deal with (B) head for (C) turn to

(D) look into

19. (A) textbook (B) notebook (C) workbook (D) pocketbook
20. (A) in (B) while (C) after (D) without

      Anita和她的媽媽愉快的在一起購物。有意思的是,她們二個人   16   買了同一款式的牛仔褲。
根據一項最近的市場研究,年輕的成年人影響日常衣物的購買有88%。更常見的是那些20幾歲的人是比較   17   的銷費者。沒有那一個品牌或流行是那些年輕人不知道的。這也就是為什麼母親們想要跟上流行通常   18   專家 – 他們的女兒。這告訴了全世界的零售業者,如果你想進入一位母親的    19  ,你必須先贏得她女兒的青睞。
百貨公司以混合了各種衣著商標著重於品味和款式而不僅只是那個年紀的設計 - 就有如一位DJ是播放各種的音樂而不僅只是饒口音樂而已 - 在沒有   20   丟掉他們年輕的顧客的情況下,已經設法向成功的中年婦女提出了訴求。他們已經創造了一個母親和女兒二者都能滿意的購物環境。

16. (A) 放棄 (B) 最後、結束 (C) 從事、喜歡 (D) 習慣於 答: B

17. (A) 消息靈通 (B) 情報的 (C) 非正式的 (D) 新聞的 答: A

18. (A) 處理 (B) 向…去 (C) 求助、轉向 (D) 調查 答: C

19. (A) 教課書 (B) 筆記本 (C) 工作簿 (D) 錢包 答: D

20. (A) 在…之中 (B) 當…時候 (C) 在…之後 (D) 沒有 答: D

第16 至20 題為題組

         Onions can be divided into two categories: fresh onions and storage onions. Fresh onions are available   21   yellow, red and white throughout their season, March through August. They can be   22   by their thin, light-colored skin. Because they have a higher water content, they are typically sweeter and milder tasting than storage onions. This higher water content also makes   23  easier for them to bruise. With its delicate taste, the fresh onion is an ideal choice for salads and other lightly-cooked dishes. Storage onions, on the other hand, are available August through April.   24   fresh onions, they have multiple layers of thick, dark, papery skin. They also have an   25   flavor and a higher percentage of solids. For these reasons, storage onions are the best choice for spicy dishes that require longer cooking times or more flavor.

21. (A) from (B) for (C) in (D) of
22. (A) grown (B) tasted (C) identified (D) emphasized
23. (A) such (B) much (C) that (D) it
24. (A) Unlike (B) Through (C) Besides (D) Despite
25. (A) anxious (B) intense (C) organic (D) effective

      洋蔥可以分為二個類別:生洋蔥和儲存洋蔥。生洋蔥自三月到八月隨著它們的季節   21  黃色、紅色和白色的供應。它們可以以它們淺色的薄皮被   22   。由於它們有較高的水份含量,它們通常較儲存洋蔥甜美順口。這個較高的水份含量也使得它們   23   容易搗碎。生洋蔥有甜美的口味是作沙拉和其他清淡菜餚一項理想的選擇。在另一方面,儲存洋蔥是自八月到四月有供應。   24   生洋蔥,它們有多層像紙一樣顏色深的厚皮。它們也有一種   25   口味和較高的固體比例。基於這些理由,儲存洋蔥是需要烹飪時間較久和香味更多的辛辣菜餚最佳的選擇。

21. (A) 來自 (B) 為了 (C) 在…之中 (D) 屬於 答: C

22. (A) 生長 (B) 嚐起來 (C) 區分 (D) 強調 答: C

23. (A) 如此 (B) 許多 (C) 那個 (D) 它 答: D
  This higher water content also makes  it   easier  for them to bruise.
  主詞 動詞 受詞 受詞補語    

(本句的 it 是受格,是當作動詞 makes 的受詞;easier 是形容詞,是受詞 it 的補語。

24. (A) 不像, 不同於 (B) 穿過 (C) 除了…之外 (D) 儘管 答: A

25. (A) 焦急 (B) 強烈的 (C) 有機的 (D) 有效的 答:B

第21 至30 題為題組

   Many people like to drink bottled water because they feel that tap water may not be safe, but is bottled water really any better?
Bottled water is mostly sold in plastic bottles and that’s why it is potentially health   26  . Processing the plastic can lead to the release of harmful chemical substances into the water contained in the bottles. The chemicals can be absorbed into the body and   27   physical discomfort, such as stomach cramps and diarrhea.
Health risks can also result from inappropriate storage of bottled water. Bacteria can multiply if the water is kept on the shelves for too long or if it is exposed to heat or direct sunlight.   28   the information on storage and shipment is not always readily available to consumers, bottled water may not be a better alternative to tap water.
Besides these   29   issues, bottled water has other disadvantages. It contributes to global warming. An estimated 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide were generated in 2006 by the production of plastic for bottled water. In addition, bottled water produces an incredible amount of solid   30  . According to one research, 90% of the bottles used are not recycled and lie for ages in landfills.

26. (A) frightening (B) threatening (C) appealing (D) promoting
27. (A) cause (B) causing (C) caused (D) to cause
28. (A) Although (B) Despite (C) Since (D) So
29. (A) display (B) Despite (C) shipment (D) safety
30. (A) waste (B) resource (C) ground (D) profit

瓶裝水大多是裝在塑膠瓶中販售,這也就是為什麼它可能會有健康的   26  。塑膠容器的製造過程可能會導致有害化學物質釋放到裝在瓶子中的水。化學物質可能會被吸收到人體中,   27   身體的不適,例如胃痛和拉肚子。
健康的風險也可能是瓶裝水不當儲存的結果。如果水被放置在架子上太久或者是直接被暴露在熱源或太陽下,細菌會加倍增加。   28   儲存和運送資料無法都能提供給消費者,瓶裝水比起自來水未必是一個較好的替代選擇。
除了這些   29   問題之外,瓶裝水也有其他的不好之處。它會造成全球暖化。在2006年,約有250萬噸的二氧化碳是由塑膠瓶製造所產生出來的。另外,瓶裝水會產生出來非常大量的固態   30  。根據一項研究,90%使用過的瓶子沒有回收,而是長年填放在垃圾掩埋場中。

26. (A)可怕 (B) 威脅 (C)有魅力 (D) 推廣 答: B

27. 答: A        

The chemicals can be absorbed into the body and (the chemicals can) cause physical....

  主詞 動詞現在被動式 對等連接詞   現在式  

1. 二個獨立子句是由對等連接詞and所連接起來。
2. 獨立子句中”相同的部分”可以省略(請參見p.330);
can be absorbed是被動式;can cause是主動式
第二個子句是省略了the chemicals can,所以答案要選原形動詞cause

28. (A) 雖然 (B) 儘管 (C) 由於 (D) 所以 答: C

29. (A) 展示 (B) 製造 (C) 運送 (D) 安全 答: D

30. (A) 廢棄物 (B) 資源 (C) 地面 (D) 利潤 答: A

說明:第31至40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分,答錯不倒扣。

      Football is more than a sport; it is also an invaluable   31  . In teaching young players to cooperate with their fellows on the practice   32  , the game shows them the necessity of teamwork in society. It prepares them to be   33  citizens and persons.
Wherever football is played, the players learn the rough-and-tumble lesson that only through the   34   of each member can the team win. It is a lesson they must always   35   on the field. Off the field, they continue to keep it in mind. In society, the former player does not look upon himself as a lone wolf who has the right to remain   36   from the society and go his own way. He understands his place in the team; he knows he is a member of society and must   37   himself as such. He realizes that only by cooperating can he do his   38   in making society what it should be. The man who has played football knows that teamwork is   39   in modern living. He is also aware that every citizen must do his part if the nation is to   40  . So he has little difficulty in adjusting himself to his role in family life and in the business world, and to his duties as a citizen.

(A) cooperation (B) prosper (C) teacher (D) behave  (E) isolated
(F) essential  (G) better (H) share (I) field  (J) remember

      足球不只是一項運動,它也是一項珍貴的   31  。在練習   32  教導年輕球員和隊友間合作,練習比賽本身就向他們展示了在社會上團隊精神的必要性。它造就他們成為   33   的公民和個人。
不論什麼時候足球開打,球員學習到只有經由每一個成員   34   拼搶的教訓,球隊才會贏。這是他們在球場上必須要永遠   35   的教訓。離開了球場,他們繼續要記在心理。在社會上,退休的球員不要認為自己是有權利   36   於社會,獨來獨往,一隻孤獨的狼。他瞭解在球隊中他的位置;他知道他是社會的一份子,而且必須如此地   37   自己。他瞭解惟有經由合作他才能盡他的   38   使得社會正常運轉。打過足球的人知道,團隊精神在現在生活中是   39   。他也明瞭,如果國家要   40  ,每一個公民都必須要盡己之力。所以他會毫無困難地調適他在家庭中、在職場上的角色和作為一為公民的責任。

(A) 合作 (B) 繁榮 (C) 導師 (D) 行為表現 (E) 孤立
(F) 重要的 (G) 更好的 (H) 一份 (I) 場地 (J) 記住

31. (C)    32. (i)    33. (G)   34. (A)   35. (J)  
36. (E)    37. (D)   38. (H)   39 (F)    40. (B)

四、閱讀測驗( 32分)

On the island of New Zealand, there is a grasshopper-like species of insect that is found nowhere else on earth. New Zealanders have given it the nickname weta, which is a native Maori word meaning “god of bad looks.” It’s easy to see why anyone would call this insect a bad-looking bug. Most people feel disgusted at the sight of these bulky, slow-moving creatures.
Wetas are nocturnal creatures; they come out of their caves and holes only after dark. A giant weta can grow to over three inches long and weigh as much as 1.5 ounces. Giant wetas can hop up to two feet at a time. Some of them live in trees, and others live in caves. They are very long-lived for insects, and some adult wetas can live as long as two years. Just like their cousins grasshoppers and crickets, wetas are able to “sing” by rubbing their leg parts together, or against their lower bodies.
Most people probably don’t feel sympathy for these endangered creatures, but they do need protecting. The slow and clumsy wetas have been around on the island since the times of the dinosaurs, and have evolved and survived in an environment where they had no enemies until rats came to the island with European immigrants. Since rats love to hunt and eat wetas, the rat population on the island has grown into a real problem for many of the native species that are unaccustomed to its presence, and poses a serious threat to the native weta population.


From which of the following is the passage LEAST likely to be taken?

  (A) A science magazine.

(B) A travel guide.

  (C) A biology textbook. (D) A business journal.


According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

  (A) Wetas are unpleasant to the eye.

(B) The weta is a newly discovered insect species.

  (C) The Maoris nicknamed themselves “Wetas.”

The Europeans brought wetas to New Zealand.


Which of the following descriptions of wetas is accurate?


(A) They are quick in movement.


(B) They are very active in the daytime.


(C) They are decreasing in number.

  (D) They have a short lifespan for insects.


Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of “its” in the last paragraph?


(A) The rat’s.

(B) The weta’s.


(C) The island’s.

(D) The dinosaur’s.



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  (A) 科學雜誌. (B) 旅遊指南.
  (C) 生物教科書 (D) 商業期刊 答:D



  (A) 眼睛看了weta不愉快。 (B) weta是最新被發現的昆蟲物種。
  (C) Maori人將自己取綽號為 “Wetas”

(D) 歐洲人將weta帶入紐西蘭。


1. 按:本題正確答案是(A),但可能是命題者的筆誤,應改為Wetas are unpleasant to the eyes.較為正確,否則大家都只有一隻眼睛了。
2. 答案(C) The Maoris nicknamed themselves “Wetas.”
若題目(C)改為The Maoris nicknamed them “Wetas.”




(A) 它們動作快速

(B) 它們在白天非常活躍


(C) 它們的數量正在減少

(D) 對昆蟲而言它們的生命期是短的。



在最後一段中,下列哪一個是“its” 最貼切的解釋?

  (A) 老鼠的所有格 (B) weta的所有格
  (C) 島的所有格

(D) 恐龍的所有格


45-48 為題組
The high school prom is the first formal social event for most American teenagers. It has also been a rite of passage for young Americans for nearly a century.
The word “prom” was first used in the 1890s, referring to formal dances in which the guests of a party would display their fashions and dancing skills during the evening’s grand march. In the United States, parents and educators have come to regard the prom as an important lesson in social skills. Therefore, proms have been held every year in high schools for students to learn proper social behavior.
The first high school proms were held in the 1920s in America. By the 1930s, proms were common across the country. For many older Americans, the prom was a modest, home-grown affair in the school gymnasium. Prom-goers were well dressed but not fancily dressed up for the occasion: boys wore jackets and ties and girls their Sunday dresses. Couples danced to music provided by a local amateur band or a record player. After the 1960s, and especially since the 1980s, the high school prom in many areas has become a serious exercise in excessive consumption, with boys renting expensive tuxedos and girls wearing designer gowns. Stretch limousines were hired to drive the prom-goers to expensive restaurants or discos for an all-night extravaganza.
Whether simple or lavish, proms have always been more or less traumatic events for adolescents who worry about self-image and fitting in with their peers. Prom night can be a dreadful experience for socially awkward teens or for those who do not secure dates. Since the 1990s, alternative proms have been organized in some areas to meet the needs of particular students. For example, proms organized by and for homeless youth were reported. There were also “couple-free” proms to which all students are welcome.


In what way are high school proms significant to American teenagers?


(A) They are part of the graduation ceremony.


(B) They are occasions for teens to show off their limousines.


(C) They are important events for teenagers to learn social skills.


(D) They are formal events in which teens share their traumatic experiences.


What is the main idea of the third paragraph?


(A) Proper social behavior must be observed by prom-goers.

  (B) Proms held in earlier times gave less pressure to teenagers.


Proms are regarded as important because everyone dresses up for the occasion.
  (D) The prom has changed from a modest event to a glamorous party over the years.


According to the passage, what gave rise to alternative proms?


(A) Not all students behaved well at the proms.


(B) Proms were too serious for young prom-goers.


(C) Teenagers wanted to attend proms with their dates.


(D) Students with special needs did not enjoy conventional proms.


Which of the following statements is true?


(A) Unconventional proms have been organized since the 1960s.


(B) In the 1980s, proms were held in local churches for teenagers to attend.


Proms have become a significant event in American high schools since the 1930s.



In the 1890s, high school proms were all-night social events for some American families.





(A) 它們是畢業儀式的一部分。


(B) 它們是青少年炫耀他們轎車的機會。


(C) 它們是青少年學習社交技巧的重要活動。


(D) 它們是青少年分享心理創傷經驗的正式活動。





(A) 適當的社交行為必須由參加舞會的人遵守。


(B) 早期舉辦的畢業舞會給青少年較少的壓力。


(C) 畢業舞會被認為重要是因為每一個人都穿著得體。








(A) 並不是所有的學生在畢業舞會中都行為良好。


(B) 畢業舞會對年輕的參加者太嚴肅了。


(C) 青少年希望攜伴參加畢業舞會。

  (D) 有特殊需求的學生無法在傳統畢業舞會中感到自在。 答:D




(A) 自1960年代,非傳統畢業舞會已經舉辦了。

  (B) 在1980年代,畢業舞會在當地的教堂舉辦以便青少年參加。

(C) 自1930年代,畢業舞會已經在美國的高中成為一項重要的活動。


(D) 在1990年代,高中畢業舞會是有些美國家庭徹夜的社交活動。


No budget for your vacation? Try home exchanges-swapping houses with strangers. Agree to use each other’s cars, and you can save bucks on car rentals, too.
Home exchanges are not new. At least one group, Intervac, has been facilitating such an arrangement since 1953. But trading online is gaining popularity these days, with several sites in operation, including HomeExchanges. Founded in 1992, with some 28,000 listings, this company bills itself as the world’s largest home exchange club, reporting that membership has increased 30% this year.
The annual fee is usually less than US$100. Members can access thousands of listings for apartments, villas, suburban homes and farms around the world. Initial contact is made via e-mail, with subsequent communication usually by phone. Before a match is made, potential swappers tend to discuss a lot.
However, the concept may sound risky to some people. What about theft? Damage? These are reasonable causes for concern, but equally unlikely. As one swapper puts it, “Nobody is going to fly across the ocean or drive 600 miles to come steal your TV. Besides, at the same time they’re staying in your home, you are staying in their home.”
Exchange sites recommend that swappers discuss such matters ahead of time. They may fill out an agreement spelling out who shoulders which responsibilities if a problem arises. It does not matter if the agreement would hold up in court, but it does give the exchangers a little satisfaction.
Generally, the biggest complaint among home exchangers has to do with different standards of cleanliness. Swappers are supposed to make sure their home is in order before they depart, but one person’s idea of “clean” may be more forgiving than another’s. Some owners say if they come back to a less-than-sparkling kitchen, it may be inconvenient but would not sour them on future exchanges. 


What is the second paragraph mainly about?


(A) How to exchange homes.


(B) How home exchange is becoming popular.


(C) The biggest home exchange agency.


(D) A contrast between Intervac and HomeExchange.


Which of the following is closest in meaning to “bills” in the second paragraph?

  (A) advertises (B) dedicates (C) replaces (D) participates


How do home exchangers normally begin their communication?

  (A) By phone. (B) By e-mail.
  (C) Via a matchmaker. (D) Via a face-to-face meeting.


What is recommended in the passage to deal with theft and damage concerns?

  (A) One can file a lawsuit in court.

(B) Both parties can trade online.


(C) Both parties can sign an agreement beforehand.


(D) One can damage the home of the other party in return.

      沒有預算渡假?試試住家交換 – 和陌生人交換住家。同意互相使用對方的車子,你也可以省下租車子的錢。


49. 第二段主要在說什麼?


(A) 如何交換住家。

(B) 住家交換如何變成流行。


(C) 最大的交換公司。

(D) Intervac 和HomeExchange的對比。






  (A) 廣告 (B) 致力於 (C) 代替

(D) 參加




  (A) 用電話 (B) 用 e-mail.
  (C) 經由掮客 (D) 經由面對面會談 答:B




(A) 交換者可以向法院提出訴訟。

(B) 雙方可以在線上交易。


(C) 雙方可以事先簽訂一個協定。

(D) 一方可以損害另一方的住家來回報。




53-56 為題組

   Bekoji is a small town of farmers and herders in the Ethiopian highlands. There, time almost stands still, and horse-drawn carts outnumber motor vehicles. Yet, it has consistently yielded many of the world’s best distance runners.
It’s tempting, when breathing the thin air of Bekoji, to focus on the special conditions of the place. The town sits on the side of a volcano nearly 10,000 feet above sea level, making daily life a kind of high-altitude training. Children in this region often start running at an early age, covering great distances to fetch water and firewood or to reach the nearest school. Added to this early training is a physical trait shared by people there-disproportionately long legs, which is advantageous for distance runners.
A strong desire burns inside Bekoji’s young runners. Take the case of Million Abate. Forced to quit school in fifth grade after his father died, Abate worked as a shoe-shine boy for years. He saw a hope in running and joined Santayehu Eshetu’s training program. This 18-year-old sprinted to the finish of a 12-mile run with his bare feet bleeding. The coach took off his own Nikes and handed them to him. To help Abate continue running, the coach arranged a motel job for him, which pays $9 a month.
Most families in Bekoji live from hand to mouth, and distance running offers the younger generation a way out. Bekoji’s legend Derartu Tulu, who won the 10,000-meter Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 2000, is a national hero. As a reward, the government gave her a house. She also won millions of dollars in the races.
Motivated by such signs of success, thousands of kids from the villages surrounding Bekoji have moved into town. They crowd the classrooms at Bekoji Elementary School, where Eshetu works as a physical-education instructor. All these kids share the same dream: Some day they could become another Derartu Tulu.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor for the excellence of distance runners in Ethiopia?

  (A) Well-known coaches.

(B) Thin air in the highlands.

  (C) Extraordinarily long legs. (D) Long distance running in daily life.


Which of the following is true about Bekoji?


(A) It’s the capital of Ethiopia.


(B) It has changed a lot over the years.


(C) It’s located near a volcano.


(D) It has trouble handling car accidents.


What is the goal of Bekoji’s school kids?


(A) To work as motel managers.


(B)To win in international competitions.


(C) To become PE teachers.


(D) To perform well academically at school.

56. What can be inferred from this passage?

(A) More distance runners may emerge from Bekoji.


(B) Nike will sponsor the young distance runners in Bekoji.


(C) Bekoji will host an international long-distance competition.


(D) The Ethiopian government has spared no efforts in promoting running.

當呼吸著Bekoji稀薄的空氣,那會另人集中注意到當地特殊的情況。這個鎮座落於海拔幾乎有10,000英呎的火山旁邊,使得日常生活就像高緯度訓練一樣。這個地區的兒童早在10歲就開始跑了,要取得水和柴薪或是去最近的學校上學、距離都是非常的遠。除了這種早期訓練,加上那裡人的身體特徵 - 有比例特別長的腿,這對長跑選手是有利的。
Bekoji年輕的賽跑選手心中燃燒著強烈的欲望。就以Million Abate的例子來說。他在5歲喪父之後被迫輟學,Abate當了許多年的擦鞋童。他看到了賽跑的希望,加入了Santayehu Eshetu的訓練計劃。這位18歲的青年光著腳流著血奮力疾速的跑完12英哩。教練脫下自己的Nikes鞋交給他。為了幫助Abate繼續跑,教練安排他在一個汽車旅館中工作,每個月薪水9美元。
大多數Bekoji的家庭都是僅能糊口,長距離賽跑是提供年青一代的一個出路。Bekoji的傳奇人物Derartu Tulu是一位國家英雄,她贏得奧林匹克1992和2000年10,000公尺的金牌。國家給了她一棟房子作為獎勵。她也從許多比賽中贏得了數百萬元。
經由這類成功榜樣的激勵,Bekoji附近許多村落的小孩子都已經搬到鎮上來了。他們擠滿了Bekoji小學的教室,Eshetu在那裡擔任體育老師。所有的小孩都有同樣的夢:有一天他們能成為另一位Derartu Tulu。



  (A) 有名的教練 (B) 高地中的空氣
  (C) 特別長的腿 (D) 每天長距離的跑步 答:A



  (A) 它是衣索匹亞的首都

(B) 多年來它已經改變了許多

  (C) 它位於一座火山附近

(D) 它處理車禍有困難




  (A) 成為汽車旅館的經理 (B) 贏得國際比賽
  (C) 成為體育老師 (D) 在學校功課表現好 答:B




(A) 有更多的長跑選手可能會從Bekoji出現

(B) Nike 將會資助Bekoji年青的長跑選手


(C) Bekoji 將會主辦一項國際長跑比賽

(D) 衣索匹亞在推廣跑步沒有努力


第貳部分: 非選擇題( 28分)

一、翻譯題( 8分)




Over the past years, the bicycle was mainly used as a transportation tool.

    介係詞片語 主詞 過去被動式 介係詞片語

1) over the past years 是一個介系詞片語當作副詞片語使用,用逗號將它和句子分開是副詞的分離(disjunct)用法(請參見p.306),是特別強調這個副詞片語。
2) bicycle前面加定冠詞the,是汎指腳踏車這種物品(p.265)。




However, biking has become a popular leisure activity nowadays.

  連接性副詞 主詞 現在完成式 主詞補語   副詞

1) 本句和上一句是各自獨立的句子,題目的「然而」是要求將二個句子的意思連接起來,在英文的文法上,這是副詞的連接(conjunct)用法(p.307);連接性副詞中以用 however 這個字最為恰當。
2) biking是動名詞,是當做不可數名詞使用(p.152),所以本句現在完成式 has become 的助動詞要用has。

二、英文作文( 20分)


1. 先將圖片中看到的儘量列出來,例如:
-- noodle stand: a boy, a man (with a bag on a stool) and a cook. They were eating & chatting.
-- an opened bag, surprised because it was full of 1000-dollar bills
-- train station: the man found out he lost his bag, panicked and rushed out
-- Did the man get his bag back? How?
2. 再將這些主題發揮想像寫出來,只要意思合邏輯就可以了。文長要求至少120個單詞,但也不要寫太長,最多加50%(120-180以內)。
3. 寫作要先力求文法正確,若能再靈活運用各種句子的結構去寫就會順暢。下列的範例和文句解析,可作為讀者寫作之參考。

One day, a businessman went to a noodle stand nearby his office as usual. He put his bag on the bar stool next to him carelessly. (1)While having his meal, he chatted with the cook and her son. He also told them that he was in a hurry to catch a train for a very important meeting in Taichung. He paid and left. (2)Aware that the man forgot his bag, the cook and her son opened it up. They were surprised because it was full of 1000-dollar bills.
When the man got to the train station, he suddenly realized he had lost his bag. (3)Knowing it was left at the noodle stand, he panicked. He rushed out of the train station immediately. Right at that moment, a taxi pulled over in front of him. When the door opened, he saw the cook holding his bag, together with her son, sitting in the back seat. The man was so relieved and thankful. Believe it or not! This is a true story that happened on my uncle.




While having his meal, he chatted with the cook and her son.

  不完全的從屬副詞子句   主要子句      

While (he was) having his meal 就是省略了he was


Aware that the man forgot his bag, the cook and her son opened it up.

  形容詞 從屬名詞子句  句子    

本句的aware是修飾從屬名詞子句 that the man forgot his bag 


Knowing (that) it was left at the noodle stand, he panicked.

    分詞片語  句子    

knowing是現在分詞當作形容詞使用(p.142),修飾從屬名詞子句(that) it was left at the noodle stand;
分詞片語(文法書p.142) Knowing (that) it was left at the noodle stand 修飾句子的主詞 he









有鑑於此,我們在網站上成立了一個Make Sentence (Facebook造句專欄);文章是許多句子組合而成的,歡迎前往造句,打好你的文法基礎和正確的遣詞用字能力。





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